Mon, Oct 09
|Sprint Pavilion
Love...No Ego, The Courage to Be Us
Inspiration, togetherness, and positive action! Share in the message of "Love...No Ego"! Every Monday 6-7PM. Free Event. RSVP required.
Time & Location
Oct 09, 2023, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Sprint Pavilion , 700 E Main St, Charlottesville, VA 22902, USA
About the event
Founder, Executive Director, Speaker, and Mentor Freddy Jackson and Team LNE shares the message of Love...No Ego with the community, with the goal of coming together, engaging, and healing through positive action.Â
Happens every Monday, 6:00-7:00 PM at....(NAME OF EVENT SPACE)
Attend in person or virtually via Mr Love...No Ego Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/MrLoveNoEgo/).
For Sponsorships Opportunities: Every single event can have a sponsor. Sponsorship includes your business logo on presentation slides, LNE newsletter and social media mentions before, during, and after the sponsored event, an opportunity to speak/share your business with event participants and business literature and marketing materials on site. Email freddy@lovenoeog.org or call (434) 262-0442